Monday, 25 October 2010

True Stories

I have just signed up for another on-line class with Shimelle Laine. Details can be found here
True Stories. This time  it is about writing/journalling, something I am not very good at when it comes to 'personal' writing for scrapbook projects. Give me a report to write, or indeed a blog, and I can write my little heart out. Give me a pen and a blank piece of paper and that is a different story. That involves using my not very good handwriting. I mean I appreciate that many people hate their own handwriting, but mine is really not great. I am too hesitant, so it looks like I am, well, too hesitant.

Anyway, this class involves many blank sheets of paper, and no guilt about making mistakes, indeed crossing out is positively encouraged!! So here I go, why don't you join me?

Friday, 22 October 2010

Sunrise over the City

Those of you who know me will understand that I do not particularly enjoy the whole 'getting up at 5.30 in the morning' thing. It is bad enough in the summer, when it is at least light, but for the past couple of weeks it has felt like the middle of the night. It has been dark, and recently, extremely cold, with thick layers of frost on the windows of cars, adding to the frustration of the morning journey to work.

But there are benefits as well. The chance of not just getting 'a' seat on the train, but 'your' seat, are increased significantly. There is no queue at your favourite coffee shop, and the baristas have time to greet you and have a chat whilst making your coffee just how you like it.

And sometimes there are additional benefits, that only happen very occasionally. Today is one of those days. As I walked into the office and glanced out of the window on the way to my desk, this is what I saw:

This is why you should get up at 5.30 in the morning, because this is something you do not get to see otherwise. This makes it all worthwhile.

Wednesday, 20 October 2010

Farewell to Priceless Paintings from W7

It is with sadness that I must announce the Termination of Priceless Paintings from W7

This blog was an inspiration to us all, particularly those of us who know the blogger well. But it is no more, it has ceased to be, it is an ex-blog.

Farewell Priceless Paintings, those of us who are relatively new to blogging will try to keep up the standard, but you will be a hard act to follow.

Sunday, 10 October 2010

We Don't Often Get Days Like This, Particularly at a Weekend

It is not often that we get such a wonderful day in October, and for it to fall on a weekend is an added bonus. Clear blue skies and 70 F is not at all what I expect on 10 October, and yet, here it is.

It is a little windy, but who can complain when this is what you can see all around.

Friday, 8 October 2010

Sometimes Only the Best Will Do

Even though I am trying to be good and not spend too much money on frivolous things, there are times when only the best is good enough; now is one of those times.

It has been a tough week, and a tough few months, so this morning I decided that the usual source of my morning coffee would not do.

Today I was going to treat myself to a really great coffee, courtesy of Taylor Street Baristas.

And what a treat it was. Rich and Smooth, just what the doctor ordered. My only hope now is that the rest of the day will be equally Rich and Smooth!!