Sunday, 14 November 2010

Organisation or Chaos?

The final weekend before next week's exam and I am preparing my final notes to take in with me. But is this a scene of organisation or complete and utter chaos. Next week will tell. Fingers crossed.

Wednesday, 10 November 2010

Sometimes The Usual is Amazing

Yesterday, as I was walking back from a meeting I decided to cross the river using the Golden Jubilee Bridges. I was staggered by the view that greeted me. This is a view that is not new to me, and yet it stopped me in my tracks. I think it was as simple as my being extremely busy in every part if my life at the moment and there I was with nothing to do but take in what was around me. Just amazing.

Monday, 8 November 2010

Yum! Simple but effective.

I made this at the weekend and it is really yummy. I have to thank Nigella Lawson for the recipe, you can find it on the BBC website, it's called 'No Fuss Tart'. Trust me, it is very simple to make, keeps well and is worth every moment of the very small amount of time it takes to prepare.

Friday, 5 November 2010

Studying in the Autumn

You would think that studying in the Autumn would be easier and have fewer distractions than studying in the Summer. But when the view from your chosen location includes such wonderful colours, and the promise of piles of leaves to kick your feet through, it is not as easy as one might think.

All one can do is focus on the fact that in two weeks time it will all be over (results permitting!) and then you will be free to kick your heels up and enjoy what Mother Nature brings.