Wednesday, 30 May 2012


It is not often the I utter an audible exclamation on the way to work, but this morning, as I turned the corner, this was the sight in front of me. I am certain the 90% of my fellow commuters missed it, a few saw me taking a picture and turned to see what I was looking at, only to join my amazement. I wonder if I will ever see its like again.


Sunday, 27 May 2012

City Workers at Lunch

With the first really good weather of the year, The City Worker, who would usually grab a sandwich to eat at their desk, has a change of behaviour and, instead, finds the nearest open space on which to sit and take the sun. In this case a space near to The Tower of London.

This is the sign of good weather.

Friday, 4 May 2012

Keep Left?

Whilst commuting to work over the past few weeks a thought has struck me.

In the morning my fellow commuters and I follow the simple instructions we are issued and we 'Keep Left'. All walking as near to the left hand wall of all corridors in the station.

When I do the return journey in the evening everyone seems to consciously flaunt the rules and walk as near to the Right as possible.

I have had reason to do the journey in the middle of the day a couple of times recently; everyone is still walking on the Left.

So when does the flow change? At what point of the day do we start to rebel?